Monday, November 29, 2010

Guest Lecturer

Last week we had a guest designer come in to class to speak to us and also look at our semester's work and give us feedback. Liad Baniel specializes in establishing brand/message recognition using creative direction, brand innovation and all aspects of visual presence. He showed us several different websites with design work that were very interesting and gave a broad array of examples. I appreciated how well he was able to analyze what was going on in the different designs and why they worked. He wasn't just showing us good design but rather he was very successful in explaining why it worked which is helpful in learning from these examples.
As for the feedback he gave me on my work, it was definitely helpful to get a fresh perspective. Having spent the whole semester working on this I don't really have much distance or objectivity. I was happy to hear, of course, that he liked the general idea of my product, PitchPerfect, He gave a lot of suggestions for my marketing spot which was very helpful since I was still struggling with my concept at the time, and having him just list so many different concepts really helped to get me thinking and expand on the ideas I already had. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Vanity Fair for the iPad

Article: Vanity Unfair from the New York Times
I appreciated this article for its take on the digital version of Vanity Fair for the iPad. Vanity Fair (and several other magazines) have found a seemingly poor solution to the challenge of presenting their content digitally. One has to buy the app for 5 dollars and then spend 4 dollars for every issue. Thus there is no financial incentive to read the magazine on the iPad. If anything it feels like you are paying for the privilege to be able to buy the issues online. Shouldn't the app at least be for free if you are going to be using it to buy the issues at almost the same price that you would be buying the actual physical magazine for? Also, the same app can be bought for the iphone or iPod touch which seems even more ridiculous considering that then you are reading the magazine on such a tiny screen (especially since vanity fair is not just a way to get one's news). In any case, I know I would still very much prefer to read the actual magazine.

Thread Sculptures

Article: Sculptures made of 50 miles of thread put double rainbows to shame

These thread sculptures by artist Gabriel Dawe are absolutely beautiful. I love the effect created by the colored thread.

Sustainable Subways

Article: Poland Unveils BMW-Designed Subway Cars Which Are 98% Recyclable

98% recyclable is pretty impressive. These subways that will be used in Warsaw are designed to be environmentally friendly and also to be more comfortable and enjoyable for the people on it. I feel like the MTA probably doesn't worry about either of those factors.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The effects of technology on social interactions

Don't Look Now, But Your Social Relationships Have Changed

This is a great article that concisely sums up all the ways in which our social interactions and relationships are constantly changing due to the technology we use.

A chair as storage space

Lost in Sofa

This chair is interesting. I don't think I like it aesthetically enough to actually want to own it myself. But the idea is cute.

Offline Thinking for Screen Workers

I agree with this article on the importance of also working offline, with actual physical materials. While I love working at the computer, I have often found that when I turn away from it, pick up a pencil and paper, and just start sketching, ideas flow more readily and I feel a lot more able to experiment.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Storyboard for marketing spot

Click here to go to storyboard

Brainstorming for marketing spot for PitchPerfect

-       help achieve goals
-       help succeed
-       help do job
-       make phone calls and public speaking less stressful
-       can support you throughout various life situations
-       evokes feeling of comfort and confidence
Provides solution for:
-       people who have to spend a lot of time on the phone
-       people who are nervous about public speaking
Marketing spots I like the feel of:
Schweppes: I like the calm and almost serene atmosphere of this ad while being still upbeat and giving a feeling of comfort and happiness. While the product of this ad is very different from my product, these are all emotions which would be great to convey for PitchPerfect.

This ad made me think about the concept of jealousy/wanting what others have/ not being good enough. It led me to thinking about someone talking without PitchPerfect vs. someone talking with PitchPerfect. Of course the person with PitchPerfect would be more successful and get more attention and the person without it would be jealous – could be an idea for the spot….?

I like the style this video is done in:

This ad plays on how the product (in this case a VW) is good for everyone and in every situation. For PitchPerfect this could apply by showing lots of different scenarios in which PitchPerfect could be used.

This is a cute ad:

Potential advertising strategies/ Ideas for marketing spot:
-       show images of nervous person before speech/lecture, then show PitchPerfect as solution
-       show different scenes in which one could use PitchPerfect, then emphasize how PP can help you succeed and be confident in any situation
-       show someone moving forward in life (from phone interview, to receptionist, to PR person giving press conferences) and how PP assisted them along the way and helped them get to where they are
-       show scenario of a person giving a speech, worrying about it being boring and about having a shaky voice, then show the audience’s positive reaction.
Guy on soap box with crowd thinning out around him, next frame of a politician giving a speech surrounded by a big crowd, possible catch phrases:
-       Wish more people listened to you? With PitchPerfect they will.
-       What makes him so special? Why do they listen to him? He’s got PitchPerfect.
-       Public speaking doesn’t come naturally? With PitchPerfect no one will ever know.
-       Wish people paid more attention? With PitchPerfect they will.

Use statistics on public speaking anxiety and stage fright and make spot about it and how PitchPerfect can help in Flash.
Statistics on fear of public speaking

Secret closed NYC subway station

Stunning New York Subway Station Hidden in Plain Sight
A friend was actually just telling me about this and now I happened across this article and it really is a beautiful station and looks like stunning architecture, so I thought I'd share it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happiness Tracker

Article: The Pursuit of Appiness

Happiness is being tracked using an app that pings users over the course of the day to ask them what their mood is. It is a much more accurate way of compiling a happiness/life satisfaction survey than the regular past ways in which people were asked to respond on their general happiness based on their memory of the past week, month, or year. Using an app to compile the information, you get much more accurate data.

Destroying Apple stuff for art

Artist Pays Homage to Apple, Destroys Products These images by the German artist Michael Tompert are being displayed at a San Francisco gallery. He destroys apple products by shooting them, running them over, using a blowtorch on them, and other means. The images of these destroyed objects are quite stunning and there's a plethora of ways in which this comment on our obsession with apple products can be interpreted.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A non-digital interactive book

I love interesting books and it's nice to see people are still experimenting with actual physical books. Everybody is constantly talking about interactivity in the digital book world and the future of digital books, it feels almost refreshing to see interactivity being applied to the physical book. This looks like a beautifully made book and I love that it was finally created despite many printers claiming that the idea would be impossible to execute.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Stop Motion Video

This a short stop motion video giving an example of what the PitchPerfect interface would look like and how one would set up PitchPerfect in preparation for giving a speech.

Click on the full screen button and then choose 720 for the resolution in order to watch it bigger and in good quality.

Motion Design

This article did a really good job of really isolating the different components and aspects of animation. It is helpful to have this kind of a source especially for such a complicated, potentially overwhelming, topic. With animation there are so many different things to pay attention to and the technical aspects can seem quite daunting, so it is great to be able to pick apart the things in order to keep in mind which things need to be payed attention to and what techniques can have which effect on what you are trying to do.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Robots to guard your home

While it seems a bit creepy to have robots moving around our homes while we're gone, I can definitely see this taking off. People are plenty worried about securing their homes, keeping their possessions safe, or also themselves at night while we're asleep. I think that having a robot roaming around could give an added sense of safety. It seems like it would be especially useful if one is going on vacation and doesn't want to ask a friend to go check on ones house. Then the robot would also be useful for things other than just burglary. Since the robot can relay the video footage that it takes in, you could actually check to make sure you really did turn that stove off before leaving. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Taking pictures, hands-free

This is a camera that is worn like a bluetooth headset and can take pictures and videos of anything you see at anytime and can then directly email it out once done recording.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Summary of PitchPerfect up to this point

1) My color choices are intended to evoke the qualities that PitchPerfect would provide you with. Since PitchPerfect would be used to present a certain image of yourself, the colors should imply these desirable characteristics. The orange signifies warmth, friendliness, and an upbeat and energetic attitude. The blue resembles a more serious, soothing, responsible and reliable side.

2) The brand soundtrack evokes similar characteristics in line with the color choices. The chirping birds in the background give a feeling of lightness and give an upbeat and simultaneously calming impression. The sound-clip is balanced and evokes a feeling of comfort and well-being. Again, these are qualities that should also be evoked when using the product PitchPerfect.

3) The product PitchPerfect can be used in a variety of situations in which one needs to be speaking on the phone or to a crowd and would like to be sure that one is using the right tone and a voice and talking speed conducive to a positive interaction or to hold the audience's attention.

4) The most important feedback I received on my social network for PitchPerfect was concerning the different uses for PitchPerfect and concerning the moral issue of altering one's voice and therefore misrepresenting oneself. As for the different uses, the large amount of brainstorming help really assisted me in getting a clearer idea of the product's potential. As for the issue of misrepresentation, a poll concerning this gave me results that let me go ahead with the product since this issue does not seem to be a deal-breaker for the majority of the poll-takers.

3G on Mount Everest

I've always wanted to climb Mount Everest but the one thing keeping me was my fear of not being able to check facebook regularly on the way to the summit. Thank god I don't have to worry about that anymore!

Storyboard for Stop Motion - 1st draft

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Green Electronics

This is interesting. Most of us have a certain level of awareness when it comes to being green. We think about emissions from cars, not using excessive/ unnecessary amounts of water or electricity, etc. While I consider myself a fairly aware person when it comes to being green, I know I certainly haven't ever thought about what is used to actually make the electronics that I use everyday. And when I choose to buy a new phone or laptop, I certainly don't think about which brand is greener as part of making my choice. This article was kind of an eye-opener in that way. Maybe in the future it will be one of my considerations. Luckily, I already own a nokia phone, so does that balance out the fact that I have a macbook?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Immerse yourself

This technology sounds kind of amazing. Its a device that you hang on your chest when you are watching a movie and it sends barely noticeable vibrations that can trigger sensations and emotions because it activates the part of the brain responsible for emotion and sense of self. Thus, watching a movie, you will feel a lot more immersed in the movie. It works for normal movies with normal sound but will make you have a much more intense experience. Sounds really cool, but also kind of scary: do I really want to physically realistically feel like I'm being shot at, drowning,  heart broken, etc?
The maker is trying to sell it to airlines as it would make time go faster if you are so immersed in the movie.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Updated Data Visualization

Click here to view full-sized version
This is a revised version of the data visualization I presented in class. The main changes are:
- Use of scale to emphasize the data most useful and important.
- Shortening of text to make it more concise.
- Questions are now on a straight line vs. on a slant as in the previous version.

These were the main points that I remember coming up. But please let me know if you have any other suggestions or ideas for things that could be better or if these changes are successful in making it work better or not.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Data Visualization

Click here for full-sized version

iPad for consuming, not creating

I actually came across this article a while ago. It talks about how the iPad is primarily for cosuming media and not creating it. Issues mentioned are the lack of a camera, a usb plug, and flash. Things that are in this article considered deal-breakers even for something as simple as blogging.
When I first read this article a couple of weeks ago, I completely agreed and didn't think that was really anything new. To me the iPad seemed like just a fun little device that was more for on-the-go web-browsing and amusement than anything else. Now I wonder if maybe we are jumping to conclusions and not giving it a chance. Maybe it just takes time before people find their different ways of utilizing it. I just came across this article now and since my last blog post was on David Hockney's iPad art, I realized I might be changing my mind on the breadth of opportunities offered by the iPad.

Babies treat social robots as sentient beings

A study was done with babies to see how they would relate to them. After a robot was introduced and the robot was included in a simple children's game, the babies then treated the robot in a way similar to how they treat humans. I think this is interesting  because I think it shows how quickly robots could theoretically be integrated in our society. It would only really take one new generation before having robots around would be perfectly normal and accepted.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

iPad Art

David Hockney is having an exhibit of his iPad art in Paris. The exhibit will feature several iPads mounted on the walls displaying his various sketches created in the app "Brushes". It's cool to see the iPad being used in more interesting ways and for more interesting purposes than just emailing, watching movies, and other entertainment like games, etc. Also, I think it's great to see an someone somewhat older adapting the iPad and using it in place of the older medium, the sketchbook. Hockney describes the iPad as being a great replacement for his sketchbook and that he enjoys the option of sending his pictures out immediately upon finishing them, I think the quality of the picture is also very interesting, since it is "painted" with his thumb, it is like a completely new technique and creates a new sort of style.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Amazon to Launch Kindle Singles e-books

Amazon announced that they will be launching a new type of "book" called Kindle Singles. These are books that are ca. 30 to 90 pages in length, equivalent to a couple of chapters of regular books.
If I understand correctly they mean they will be looking especially for any articles, stories, etc. that fit this length description. To me this seems like they are just looking at catering to people who will spend more in the long run if each single purchase is of a lower price (the Singles would be significantly cheaper than regular books) and to people who are getting used to reading less and less due to the internet. This also pertains to my last blog entry on a new book discussing how the internet is changing how our brain functions. We are getting more and more accustomed to always only taking in small pieces of information and reading lots of little different short tidbits and skimming many articles quickly and shallow. Basically, I guess I'd have to say that I do not like where this development is going. If even things that are being marketed as books are being altered to fit our "internet brains", then the demise of books really doesn't seem very far off at all anymore.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains

I'd be interested in reading this book. I think the internet is certainly changing the way we function and think. The article mentions that books were intended to focus our attention and promote deeper thinking and concentration on one topic. This stands in stark contrast to the way the internet works for us. The internet enables us to take in small bits of a large variety of information. We are getting more and more accustomed to skimming and probing and and less practiced in really delving into a subject. With all the talk about what form books will take on in the future, at this point we often assume that books will take on a digital presence. But if the book and the internet have such opposite functions is it even realistic to think that the book can be transformed into a digital version without its function and purpose also being altered?

Sustainability in Design Education

This is an interesting article about how some design schools are including sustainability in their education plan and the challenges of teaching sustainability. I think its good that the idea is to try to incorporate sustainability as a general constant criteria in designing, rather than an additional thought that is considered once whatever it is has already been thought up and designed.

Heat-charged cell phone

This is an idea for a phone that would charge itself by using heat using heat-transmitting copper. Even just keeping it in your pocket would be good enough to keep it charged. I would love to have a phone that didn't need to be charged. It would be great not to have to worry about the battery dieing anymore. Not to mention that it would also be good for the environment.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Rescue Robot

The idea is to use a robot in rescue missions to find injured people in need of help. The robot can understand commands and go search for bodies, recognize them, and then report back. It's a great idea and could potentially be very useful once the robot is further developed. At this point though, it doesn't seem to be very effective though, since the robot doesn't have much flexibility in its movements and thus would probably not be able to really function very efficiently in a real life situation.

3D Printing

These 3D printers are really exciting. I would love to get a chance to try one out. It seems like it offers so many new interesting creative opportunities and there are so many unexplored options of what one could do with these printers. In the NYT article it is also mentioned that there are open-source versions that go for as little as 650 dollars. While that is still very expensive of course, it is much more reasonable than what they can also go for, which can be as expensive as 20,000, so it is nice to see that the prices are going in the direction of being more reasonable and therefore making these printers accessible to more people. I am very curious to see the further development of what people do with this.

Texting with no hands

This seems like a very useful app that could go a long way in helping people be safer drivers. I know there are already apps out there that do this (turning speech into text messages and also reading text messages out loud so that you don't need to look at the screen while driving), however there are still a lot of issues with this software. The reviewer seems to be of the opinion that this software works better than the previously available options. I think there should be a function that the program can read out loud what the text says before you send it so that you can be sure that the program accurately recorded what you said.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Brain Coprocessors

This basically sounds like a computer that is connected to your brain and can directly interact with it. It would read out what your brain is processing and then deliver information back to the brain. It would be great if this could be used, as mentioned, for people with dementia or addictions, to help them with memories, or influence their decisions and habits when fighting addiction. It sounds like a lot of other interesting things could be done with this down the line. Could one access any information with this? It would be cool if one could download languages and then instantly speak them.

Computers that can see well enough to drive

Engineers at Yale and Harvard have developed a supercomputer that can see well enough that it could one day be used to drive cars without the help of humans. It feels like the future, as depicted in movies, is getting closer. Its a cool idea, but sometimes I wonder, if we create technology for everything traditionally done by humans, then what will we do someday when robots are doing everything for us?

Future Food for Cities

Aeroponic gardens, as described in this article, could make it possible for people to grow their own produce at home. Of course the idea that growing your own fruits and vegetable would have its benefits isn't new, but it is exciting to read an article that describes this as a true possibility. The team that developed the idea of these 'aeroponic gardens' states that we could be growing our own food at home within ten years. These gardens would be the size of an average fridge, which makes the idea seem more realistic, since space is an issue for many people who would otherwise consider the option of growing their own food. It would eliminate transportation which is good for the environment and also for the quality of the food. Plus, you would really know what's going into your food, which would make me feel a lot better. If this actually got developed I would definitely try it out.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Work in Progress

Brand Platform Template

Colors for Brand Platform

I chose these colors for my brand platform for their following attributes:

Orange (#d65100): energetic, cheerful, upbeat, warm
Blue (#0c3a99): soothing, reliable, trustworthy

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Catering to Your Mood

Sensing Sentiments

Being able to track people's emotions could be used in so many ways and could provide a new and extremely effective way of marketing products and services. While transforming language into data and being able to detect geographic patterns for different moods and emotions is already one step the next will certainly be emotions that are detected and noted by technology without us having to actually type it in. Philips for example has a project called VIBE. It is a necklace that will read biometric signals and can then transfer them to other technology which could then again of course use this data to provide information or advertisements catering to your mood.

Sustainable Afterlife

The Future of Our End

While there are certain aspects of dealing with death that seem to be uniform across culture and time, the rituals and methods for coping differ from culture to culture and have changed greatly over time. Even just over the past 100 years mourning traditions have changed in reaction to wars and a shift in gender roles and family dynamics. Thus it only makes sense that our advances in technology will also have an effect on how we deal with death and our burial rituals/mourning traditions. As mentioned in this article, there is also a movement toward a more sustainable way of spending one's afterlife. The article describes the process of resomation“a water and alkali-based process that turns bodies into a mix of liquid and minerals. Resomation uses less energy than cremation and emits significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions.” 
There are several more interesting new ideas for creative, modern ways of preserving human remains on this site including, for example, a battery made with the human remains.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Does Your Language Shape How You Think?

This article ties in to my thoughts on the article "Designer of 2015 trends". We tend to think about how everything is constantly coming closer together due to technology. We can travel around the world in no time, we can video chat with people around the world for almost no cost, we can all read the same news stories, the same website, etc. However, there are certain elements of life that make us think and understand differently, which cannot be overcome with technology at this point.

Decoding spoken words from brain signals

Researchers in Utah are able to (semi-successfully) translate brain signals into words using micro-electrodes implanted in the brain. While this is currently only in the early stages of development and only ten words were being used, the fact that this is in the works - even if at the moment it is intended for paralyzed patients who cannot speak - has many interesting implications for the future. If (and I think it is probably only a matter of time) this is achieved, it seems to me this technology would eventually be used for everyday business. Computers would literally be able to read our minds. There would be no need for keyboards or mice, as any input could directly travel from our brain to the computer.

Designer of 2015 trends

This article describes some of the challenges that designers are facing and will certainly face in the future. The overall message of the article is that designers have to be multi-faceted and have a solid understanding of a wide array of disciplines, while at the same time still being specialized and focused on a specific skill/issue. One aspect mentioned that I find interesting is the development of new target audiences and the shift from mass communication to small specific audiences. This development is made possible by technology, since messages can be tailored to each visitor of a site, for instance. At the same time, people are also becoming used to seeing more and more messages specific to their interests and therefore come to expect more specific messages. Also, mass communication, which might previously have been based on cultural identity, may not be as effective anymore as people from around the world visit the same sites and view the same material, but can have completely different cultural/ethnic/social backgrounds.