Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Designer of 2015 trends

This article describes some of the challenges that designers are facing and will certainly face in the future. The overall message of the article is that designers have to be multi-faceted and have a solid understanding of a wide array of disciplines, while at the same time still being specialized and focused on a specific skill/issue. One aspect mentioned that I find interesting is the development of new target audiences and the shift from mass communication to small specific audiences. This development is made possible by technology, since messages can be tailored to each visitor of a site, for instance. At the same time, people are also becoming used to seeing more and more messages specific to their interests and therefore come to expect more specific messages. Also, mass communication, which might previously have been based on cultural identity, may not be as effective anymore as people from around the world visit the same sites and view the same material, but can have completely different cultural/ethnic/social backgrounds.

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