Monday, November 15, 2010

Brainstorming for marketing spot for PitchPerfect

-       help achieve goals
-       help succeed
-       help do job
-       make phone calls and public speaking less stressful
-       can support you throughout various life situations
-       evokes feeling of comfort and confidence
Provides solution for:
-       people who have to spend a lot of time on the phone
-       people who are nervous about public speaking
Marketing spots I like the feel of:
Schweppes: I like the calm and almost serene atmosphere of this ad while being still upbeat and giving a feeling of comfort and happiness. While the product of this ad is very different from my product, these are all emotions which would be great to convey for PitchPerfect.

This ad made me think about the concept of jealousy/wanting what others have/ not being good enough. It led me to thinking about someone talking without PitchPerfect vs. someone talking with PitchPerfect. Of course the person with PitchPerfect would be more successful and get more attention and the person without it would be jealous – could be an idea for the spot….?

I like the style this video is done in:

This ad plays on how the product (in this case a VW) is good for everyone and in every situation. For PitchPerfect this could apply by showing lots of different scenarios in which PitchPerfect could be used.

This is a cute ad:

Potential advertising strategies/ Ideas for marketing spot:
-       show images of nervous person before speech/lecture, then show PitchPerfect as solution
-       show different scenes in which one could use PitchPerfect, then emphasize how PP can help you succeed and be confident in any situation
-       show someone moving forward in life (from phone interview, to receptionist, to PR person giving press conferences) and how PP assisted them along the way and helped them get to where they are
-       show scenario of a person giving a speech, worrying about it being boring and about having a shaky voice, then show the audience’s positive reaction.
Guy on soap box with crowd thinning out around him, next frame of a politician giving a speech surrounded by a big crowd, possible catch phrases:
-       Wish more people listened to you? With PitchPerfect they will.
-       What makes him so special? Why do they listen to him? He’s got PitchPerfect.
-       Public speaking doesn’t come naturally? With PitchPerfect no one will ever know.
-       Wish people paid more attention? With PitchPerfect they will.

Use statistics on public speaking anxiety and stage fright and make spot about it and how PitchPerfect can help in Flash.
Statistics on fear of public speaking

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