Monday, September 27, 2010

Future Food for Cities

Aeroponic gardens, as described in this article, could make it possible for people to grow their own produce at home. Of course the idea that growing your own fruits and vegetable would have its benefits isn't new, but it is exciting to read an article that describes this as a true possibility. The team that developed the idea of these 'aeroponic gardens' states that we could be growing our own food at home within ten years. These gardens would be the size of an average fridge, which makes the idea seem more realistic, since space is an issue for many people who would otherwise consider the option of growing their own food. It would eliminate transportation which is good for the environment and also for the quality of the food. Plus, you would really know what's going into your food, which would make me feel a lot better. If this actually got developed I would definitely try it out.

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