Monday, September 27, 2010

Brain Coprocessors

This basically sounds like a computer that is connected to your brain and can directly interact with it. It would read out what your brain is processing and then deliver information back to the brain. It would be great if this could be used, as mentioned, for people with dementia or addictions, to help them with memories, or influence their decisions and habits when fighting addiction. It sounds like a lot of other interesting things could be done with this down the line. Could one access any information with this? It would be cool if one could download languages and then instantly speak them.

Computers that can see well enough to drive

Engineers at Yale and Harvard have developed a supercomputer that can see well enough that it could one day be used to drive cars without the help of humans. It feels like the future, as depicted in movies, is getting closer. Its a cool idea, but sometimes I wonder, if we create technology for everything traditionally done by humans, then what will we do someday when robots are doing everything for us?

Future Food for Cities

Aeroponic gardens, as described in this article, could make it possible for people to grow their own produce at home. Of course the idea that growing your own fruits and vegetable would have its benefits isn't new, but it is exciting to read an article that describes this as a true possibility. The team that developed the idea of these 'aeroponic gardens' states that we could be growing our own food at home within ten years. These gardens would be the size of an average fridge, which makes the idea seem more realistic, since space is an issue for many people who would otherwise consider the option of growing their own food. It would eliminate transportation which is good for the environment and also for the quality of the food. Plus, you would really know what's going into your food, which would make me feel a lot better. If this actually got developed I would definitely try it out.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Work in Progress

Brand Platform Template

Colors for Brand Platform

I chose these colors for my brand platform for their following attributes:

Orange (#d65100): energetic, cheerful, upbeat, warm
Blue (#0c3a99): soothing, reliable, trustworthy

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Catering to Your Mood

Sensing Sentiments

Being able to track people's emotions could be used in so many ways and could provide a new and extremely effective way of marketing products and services. While transforming language into data and being able to detect geographic patterns for different moods and emotions is already one step the next will certainly be emotions that are detected and noted by technology without us having to actually type it in. Philips for example has a project called VIBE. It is a necklace that will read biometric signals and can then transfer them to other technology which could then again of course use this data to provide information or advertisements catering to your mood.

Sustainable Afterlife

The Future of Our End

While there are certain aspects of dealing with death that seem to be uniform across culture and time, the rituals and methods for coping differ from culture to culture and have changed greatly over time. Even just over the past 100 years mourning traditions have changed in reaction to wars and a shift in gender roles and family dynamics. Thus it only makes sense that our advances in technology will also have an effect on how we deal with death and our burial rituals/mourning traditions. As mentioned in this article, there is also a movement toward a more sustainable way of spending one's afterlife. The article describes the process of resomation“a water and alkali-based process that turns bodies into a mix of liquid and minerals. Resomation uses less energy than cremation and emits significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions.” 
There are several more interesting new ideas for creative, modern ways of preserving human remains on this site including, for example, a battery made with the human remains.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Does Your Language Shape How You Think?

This article ties in to my thoughts on the article "Designer of 2015 trends". We tend to think about how everything is constantly coming closer together due to technology. We can travel around the world in no time, we can video chat with people around the world for almost no cost, we can all read the same news stories, the same website, etc. However, there are certain elements of life that make us think and understand differently, which cannot be overcome with technology at this point.

Decoding spoken words from brain signals

Researchers in Utah are able to (semi-successfully) translate brain signals into words using micro-electrodes implanted in the brain. While this is currently only in the early stages of development and only ten words were being used, the fact that this is in the works - even if at the moment it is intended for paralyzed patients who cannot speak - has many interesting implications for the future. If (and I think it is probably only a matter of time) this is achieved, it seems to me this technology would eventually be used for everyday business. Computers would literally be able to read our minds. There would be no need for keyboards or mice, as any input could directly travel from our brain to the computer.

Designer of 2015 trends

This article describes some of the challenges that designers are facing and will certainly face in the future. The overall message of the article is that designers have to be multi-faceted and have a solid understanding of a wide array of disciplines, while at the same time still being specialized and focused on a specific skill/issue. One aspect mentioned that I find interesting is the development of new target audiences and the shift from mass communication to small specific audiences. This development is made possible by technology, since messages can be tailored to each visitor of a site, for instance. At the same time, people are also becoming used to seeing more and more messages specific to their interests and therefore come to expect more specific messages. Also, mass communication, which might previously have been based on cultural identity, may not be as effective anymore as people from around the world visit the same sites and view the same material, but can have completely different cultural/ethnic/social backgrounds.